Jayne faces her biggest challenge yet
Back out in the field, building her business one spy-job at a time, life is looking up for Jayne and co.
Perhaps too good.
It’s not long before certain powers in the Techcropolis fear that she’s becoming too powerful. Too successful.
With someone clearly hell bent on sabotaging her reputation, destroying her business and maybe even taking her freedom, Jayne has to pool her resources and figure out who is after her…
With both the cops and her own people closing in on her secret, she’s running out of options.
This may well be worse than just life and death.
Life and death she is used to.
Life and death situations were something she would eat for breakfast.
But dealing with the media, and public opinion? This could be the worst thing she’s had to face.
To add insult to injury, her only salvation may be the most depraved criminal she has ever known.
She’s screwed.
If you love space opera you’re going to love Spy for Hire: a literary triumph of majestic accomplishments a laugh-out-loud, spew-your-coffee-over-your kindle swashbuckling page turner that follows the shenanigans and best efforts of a somewhat cavalier ex-government spy, Jayne Austin.