When people of the ancient world dreamed of the future, they imagined humans sprawled across the galaxies, ruling the world, making the right and just decisions. They imagined power beyond their comprehension and technology that looked like magic. Time machines. Vortex manipulators, and transporter beams.
They imagined a civilization where humans could be the best version of themselves.
They imagined.
But the reality was far from it.
More than 350 years went by since the old tv shows that would depict such fantasies crossed to the archives of the space base, Meredith Reynolds.
It’s true. Humans did travel across and beyond their galaxy. But not to reign as all powerful demi-gods, rather to become the underdog. The justice seekers. The truth tellers, the stuff of legends, the warriors.
Coming from such injustices, and such corruption, the new humans knew they had to do better.
It’s no surprise that the greatest export from the human race was justice.
But what surprised everyone, even the humans themselves, that their second greatest export would be…. Love.