Hi Ascenders,
If you’ve been anywhere near the Facebook page you will have seen talk of a weird Patreon monster I’ve started mentioning. (You may also have seen it in a sneaky P.S. at the back of the recent Tabitha and Nickie book, Beyond the Frontier).
Well, I thought it was time to tell you what that was all about.
And the first thing you need to know is that it’s not a monster.
Nor is it fictional.
It’s something that exists on this side of the fourth wall, effectively giving you an all access back stage pass to all things authorly and hilarious.
Here’s the run down:
What is Patreon?
It’s a platform that allows creators (authors etc) to share their works, kind of like a membership site. Here you can see exclusive content, pictures, blurbs, videos… everything. All in one place.
What do you get?
Well, that depends on the level you’d like to activate (anything from $2 upwards). Everything is on the table: from exclusive behind the scenes photos, Author Shenanigans videos, and the exclusive directors’ cut of my author notes…
(Including the baaaaaad and juicy stuff MA doesn’t let me publish!)
And that’s just the surface-level stuff.
What you may have already realized as you’ve gotten to know me is what you see in the books is just a tiny fraction of what goes on in the Ellie'verse.
There’s a lot of thought and consideration that goes on with bigger picture stuff in order to apply the social commentary that gets slipped (like a micky!) in with your action-packed drama-filled sci-fi. And this is what I love to share with folks who are interested in thinking beyond the boundaries of their normal experience.
Plus, all the usual behind the scenes stuff you’d expect from a VIP experience, including live Q&A with yours truly.
You can even have characters named after you!
If you wanna check out what all the fuss is about, have a gander here:
But we’re building to something else over there too.
Something new.
Something hilarious… for patrons exclusively.
Go ahead and check out if this is something you want to be involved in, and I’ll mail again soon with more info about what’s coming!
E x